Saturday, August 16, 2008

Another hard day at the office?

Yesterday was a tough day at the office. It was the 6th event in Kenny's department's Olympic teambuilding summer games. It is basically 10 events that run over 10 weeks where 7 different team compete against each other to be top of the medals table and win gold!

So far there has been everything from basketball and volleyball to an Olympics quiz and even a Ms PacMan competition.

Event 6 was Tug o' War ! Below you can watch the video of Kenny and his team in their first round match which the won convincingly (2-0).

Kenny can be seen at the front of the rope for his team.

All good fun! But need to work on that technique now that they are through to the next round.

1....2....3.....HEAVE !!!!

Tug o War

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