Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Family Christmas Card 2008

Here is our family Christmas picture. We had every intention of sending this out to everyone, but I finally gave up and posted it to our blog. Oh well, maybe I'll have better luck with Christmas cards next year!


Heather Jewell said...

What a beautiful family picture. You all look great. I love Mac's hair. Cameron gets more handsome every day. I can't wait to see Scarlett close up. Only 11 more days!

Team Aries said...

Great photos. It's been about a month since I've seen the baby, I probably won't even reconize her next time. I think posting a picture is a better idea, you know most people just throw away the Christmas cards anyway.

Team Aries said...

Great photos. It's been about a month since I've seen the baby, I probably won't even reconize her next time. I think posting a picture is a better idea, you know most people just throw away the Christmas cards anyway.

Laura said...

Hi! I came across your blog while doing a "Google" search for info. on the new elem. school in Rio Rancho. This might be seem weird... but, could you please email me? We are living in Ohio and may be relocating to NM soon.

I'd really appreciate it! Thanks!